This time of year, when the sun is infusing its potency in to the blooms, everything can seem mesmerising. I’m not one for very hot summers, and the UK did not have the sweltering heat like last year, nevertheless, the sight and scent and the high vibration of the flora in my little garden feels other worldly. The early mornings are dew filled and my favourite time to harvest. I have been gathering the garden roses for incense, enfleurage and scented oils, and Helichrysum and St. Johns wort to prepare infused oils. My Mum gave me the Scabiosa, a beautiful lilac flower used folk medicine to treat scabies, hence the name, which currently I am just pressing. I’m contemplating what to do with the Cistus – maybe a hydrosol or a flower essence with those fleeting papery flowers? I’m drying the feverfew for now. Other plants that are in profusion right now are the Lavender, Rosemary and some Star gazer lilies. Its an abundant season, and so am mostly occupied with infusing under the sun and the moon, enfleuraging flower heads and drying herbs.