Star Flower/Borage Flower Remedy
This is the first time I have grown Borage and the flowers are now in season, and are flourishing and embellishing my garden with small star shaped blue/indigo blooms with a contrasting bright green thick stem and leaves. Flower essence making is an annual ritual and an opportunity to harness the medicine the plants have gifted to us. This was made this morning whilst the morning dew was still visible. Flower essence are a type of subtle vibrational medicine made by placing the flower in spring water under the sunlight to capture and potenise their energetic imprint. A preservative is added to the spring water (I use organic agave syrup) and the medicine is used for many emotional issues. Borage flower essence is ideal for the disheartened, and promotes a cheerful outlook and brings emotional strength.

Directions for making flower essences:
Ingredients: a sterilised glass bowl, sterilised amber bottle, spring water, unpicked plant for essence.
In the morning, when there is dew, fill a bowl of spring water, and place it near the plant and in the sun. Spend time with the plant with an intention that you are making a healing essence and be open to messages you receive from the plant. Say a prayer if you wish. Using tweezers or a leaf from the plant cut a few small flowers and lay in the water. Allow the essence to sit in the sunlight for about 3 hours, using your intuition to judge whether they are ready to be taken out. When the essence is finished infusing, give thanks, and bottle the imprinted flower water and preserve with vegetable glycerine, organic agave syrup or organic white vinegar. Add a minimum of 60 -70 percent of the preservative. Name and date the mother essence bottle. To store the bottles, keep out of light in a cool dark place and avoid strong odours. Keep check of any solid substance in the water, and do not use if this occurs as the essence is contaminated.
Dosage bottle: Once you have made the mother essence you can make the dosage bottle. The dosage bottle contains again a minimum of 60-70 percent preservative, spring water and a few drops of the mother essence.