Tag Archives: moon calendar

Luna Calendar 2025

luna calendar 2025

Free Luna calendar for 2025! Stay updated with the moon phases, this one includes the full moon, new moon, first quarter and last quarter.
The lunar calendar is one of the oldest systems of timekeeping, deeply rooted in human history and culture. Unlike the solar calendar, which is based on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, the lunar calendar tracks time by the phases of the Moon.

The lunar calendar and cycle has remained relevant for cultural, religious, and spiritual purposes for millennia. It reminds us of our deep connection to nature and its rhythms. Observing the Moon’s phases can be a grounding practice, helping us to slow down and align with the natural world.

Whether you’re relying on the moon for religious or spiritual practices, planting a garden, for cupping therapy, observing emotional or menstrual cycle changes, or simply gazing at the night sky, the lunar calendar and cycle offers a timeless rhythm that connects us to the cosmos.
I’m hoping to write more on the influence of the moon when I get a chance.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this calendar. To download and print, click here: luna calendar 2025

luna calendar 2025

Free Luna Calendar 2023

Free luna Calendar for 2023. Based on the moon phases of the Northern hemisphere. Perfect for tracking all the various phases, ideal for herbal medicine making, cupping/hijamah, moon gardening or anything else. This is an A4 size.

To download the free calendar, click on the link here!

Luna, Moon Calendar 2021

Free to download! Moon calendar for 2021 featuring the full moon, new moon, first quarter, last quarter and all cycles. Useful for moon gardeners, those who practice cupping or any other reason you may need to plan for the moon phases. There are two colours, a light version and a dark version. You can download (for personal use only) by clicking on the images below!


moon phase calendar